Here are some pitcures from another excursion to Seattle I made one
weekend with some friends.
As usual, click on an image to see a larger version.
May 25, 2002 11:14:00
Downtown Seattle, from a street corner near our hotel.
May 25, 2002 11:14:17
Another random shot of a Seattle street.
May 25, 2002 11:14:35
You can see the Space Needle behind this building.
May 25, 2002 14:51:51
Seattle has some cool skyscrapers.
May 25, 2002 15:39:50
Me, in Seattle's Pioneer Square.
May 25, 2002 15:45:49
More big buildings.
May 25, 2002 16:12:33
This looks like a subway station, but it isn't. Seattle has
an underground tunnel that buses drive through, along with
these underground bus stations.
May 25, 2002 16:43:05
Time to catch the monorail to the Space Needle...
May 25, 2002 16:44:01
May 25, 2002 16:44:20
May 25, 2002 16:44:56
We're almost to the Space Needle.
May 25, 2002 16:45:27
People have fun in the Seattle Center park near the Space Needle.
May 25, 2002 22:00:30
Here's me, having some yummy Salmon and red wine at the Sky City
restaurant at the top of the Space Needle.
May 26, 2002 13:46:25
Here's me, waiting in line for some hot doughnuts at the
Krispy Kreme.
May 26, 2002 13:57:58
Cheema, Amelia, and I enjoy the delicious doughnutty goodness.
May 26, 2002 14:33:50
Our arteries were not clogged quite enough, so we then went
next door to the Fatburger, an awesome fast-food burger chain
based out of LA.
May 26, 2002 14:34:39
Here's one last shot of me at the Krispy Kreme, before we
departed to return to Oregon.