East Glacier Park, MT
I stayed a day in the small village of East Glacier Park, Montana.
The town is near the entrance to Glacier National Park.
As usual, click on an image to see a larger version.
August 17, 2002 09:57:24
I arrive at the East Glacier Park train station!
August 17, 2002 09:57:40
A look at the mountains from the train station.
August 17, 2002 09:58:29
One last look at the train.
August 17, 2002 09:59:21
More mountains.
August 17, 2002 10:12:21
A quaint old-time wild west cyber cafe.
August 17, 2002 10:12:57
A look at the train station (and mountains) from downtown
East Glacier Park.
August 17, 2002 10:13:44
Brown House, the two-room hotel I stayed at.
August 17, 2002 10:15:13
Downtown East Glacier Park.
August 17, 2002 11:21:35
Highway signage.
August 17, 2002 12:37:55
A look out the window of my hotel room.
August 17, 2002 16:28:57
Another look at the Amtrak train station.
August 17, 2002 20:25:38
Bryan arrives in the Frymobile.
August 18, 2002 11:17:07
This is the upstairs hotel room at Brown House that we stayed at.